Real world, common sense solutions that remove cost, risk and stress from Industrial, Energy Transition and Infrastructure project portfolios.

Programme and Project Management (PPM) Specialists
Designing Projects to Power your Strategy

Identify Hidden
Risk Fast

We find and address performance threats and opportunities across concept, in-flight and review phases to provide robust road-maps, recovery and lessons learned advice.

Predictable Delivery

Taking uncertainty out of delivery, uncovering and solving underlying issues with simple performance management solutions. 

Agile, Fast, 
Cost Effective

Our size and approach means we mobilise fast, implement quick wins within weeks and cost less than you expect.
Clients turn to XFive when
Projects are out of control or fear that they will fail to meet target so need quick wins fast
Planning new projects or programmes that will benefit from independent specialists
Cross programme performance requires a refresh of PPM governance 
Investors need Project Risk Due Diligence and Performance Management

Over our 5 years of operation, more than £5bn client investment value
supported with greater than £200m identified savings 

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