Real world, common sense solutions that remove cost, risk and stress from Industrial, Energy Transition and Infrastructure project portfolios.

About us and our Approach

Founded in 2015 with a mission to use our operating and delivery experience to unlock success for every project;  XFive's philosophy is that expertise should drive simplicity - a complex problem doesn't need a complicated solution!
Our creation was inspired by a simple notebook sketch of how effort to recover a project costs five times as much as getting it right in the first place. 

We love what we do and it shows. With decades of experience in the field, we know our subject like the back of our hands. There’s no challenge we don't believe we can make a difference to and we dedicate our utmost energy to every project we take on.
Relationships and behaviours deliver successful projects and every customer is unique. That’s why we customise every one of our plans to fit your needs exactly. Whether it’s a small review or a comprehensive effort, we’ll sit down with you, listen to your requests and build what works for you, accessing our technical consultant and EPC partnerships if required.
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